Preguntas frecuentes sobre FieldPro Detect: todo lo que deberías saber

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Financial Services

Preguntas más frecuentes

¿Cuánto se tarda en configurar/implantar?
Implantamos un modelo de reconocimiento para 30 SKU en menos de 4 semanas, gracias a nuestra capacidad interna de etiquetado y formación de modelos. Es rápido, eficiente y económico.
¿Tengo que proporcionar fotos de mis SKU para entrenar el algoritmo?
Sí, proporcionar fotos de sus SKU es esencial. Nuestra aplicación móvil facilita la recopilación de fotos para una formación precisa.
¿Cuál es la precisión de la función de detección de productos de FieldPro Detect?
La función de detección de productos de FieldPro Detect es muy precisa gracias a algoritmos avanzados de IA y a una amplia formación en diversas bases de datos de productos.
¿La verificación del cumplimiento del planograma se realiza en tiempo real?
Sí, FieldPro Detect verifica instantáneamente el cumplimiento del planograma en tiempo real al capturar la imagen.
Can I access the KPI analysis from anywhere?
Absolutely! FieldPro Detect's cloud-based capabilities allow you to access KPI analyses from anywhere, at any time.
Can FieldPro Detect be integrated with existing retail management systems?
Yes, FieldPro Detect seamlessly integrates with various retail management systems using flexible APIs and integration options.
What type of retail environments does FieldPro Detect support?
FieldPro Detect works seamlessly in various retail environments, including supermarkets, convenience stores, and specialty outlets.
Can multiple users from a retail team access and share data within the app?
Yes, FieldPro Detect facilitates collaboration among retail teams, allowing multiple users to access and share data within the application.
Is FieldPro Detect suitable for both small and large retail chains?
Yes, FieldPro Detect caters to all types of retailers, from small boutiques to large retail chains, with its scalable and adaptable architecture.
Can FieldPro Detect be customized to meet specific retail requirements?
Yes, FieldPro Detect offers customization options to tailor AI algorithms and analytics according to unique retail needs.
Does FieldPro Detect require an internet connection for product detection and analysis?
FieldPro Detect's AI engine works offline for product detection, but an internet connection is needed for cloud-based analyses and remote access.
Is FieldPro Detect compatible with both Android and iOS devices?
FieldPro Detect is available on Android devices, with ongoing exploration for iOS compatibility in the future.
How much does it cost?
FieldPro Detect offers flexible plans starting from €2500 for 15 SKUs. The Pro Plan is €35/user/month, providing accurate product detection and analysis.
Is there a free trial available?
No free trial is offered, but comprehensive onboarding, customer support, and resources are provided to showcase the value of the solution.
 Can I change my plan later?
Yes, plans can be changed as needed. The pricing structure is designed to scale with business growth and changes.
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